Standard Launch
Vendor:TJ Gaushas
Product:Social System Elite ( FB )
Launch Date:2017-Oct-27
Launch Time:24:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $27
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 



With Social System Elite you will be able to:

  •  Post to targeted groups on autopilot easily with this software.

No more daunting tasks doing it manually

  •  Bump those posts (hidden or visible)

Post updates to your original posts, or just bump it to update activity pushing

it back to the top in the groups news fee

  •  By bumping posts you get back in-front of the active group members

Increasing reach (likes, shares, comments)

Increasing click through rates

Increasing Leads

Increasing Sales

Affiliate Launch Contest
Pricing is on dime sale starting at $27
and rising to $47 as a 1 time payment

Starts: 10-27-2017 12 AM CST
Ends: 11-4-2017 12 AM CST

1st place $200
2nd place $100
3rd place $50

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