How do I submit my launch?
Go to this page. Its FREE!
How do I edit my existing launch listing?
Follow the instructions here.
How to Get the Most out of Muncheye?
1. Use it to plan when you should launch by checking out the competition and quickly identifying the Big Launches coming out that will be tough to compete with
2. Submit your launch for more exposure
3. Find hot launches to promote quickly and easily.
4. Advertise your launch for more exposure.
What is a Big Launch?
Big Launches are from vendors with a good reputation in the community who consistently do high profile big launches that get a lot of attention – it represents the biggest launches happening in the IM space. It is not a representation of the size or success of a business, simply whether the launches are likely to be big and from reputable vendors.
Big launches are shown on the left hand side of the Muncheye homepage, and highlighted in blue.
As an affiliate this helps you identify big launches which are going to deliver you solid results and come from a reputable vendor.
As a vendor it helps you identify the big competition that is in the calender so you can plan your launch date accordingly, as the list represents the biggest launches that are coming up, based on the vendor’s previous launch history.
Can I Apply to Have My Launch Listed as a Big Launch?
If you have a solid and consistent record of delivering high profile, high quality launches, that make a lot of sales and delivers to affiliates then you can be considered. The list represents the largest 5% of launches in terms of buzz and traffic, and so a history of large high profile launches is very important for you to be included in the Big Launch list.
If we don’t know each other very well, you need to be referred by an existing Big Launch vendor to be considered. As a benchmark look at the vendors already listed in Big Launches and ask yourself if your launches are on par with these people. If so then you may be eligible to be a Big Launch vendor. Your previous launch history will be taken into account and is based on the launches you have listed on Muncheye under YOUR name.
You must be consistent in your delivery of high profile launches to be considered, having just the odd one is not enough. These launches should ideally be recent too. You cannot pay to be listed as a Big Launch.
PLEASE NOTE: The size of your business overall, how much you’ve sold online, or how big your audience is, while taken into consideration, are secondary factors. The primary factor is consistently delivering launches that get more attention than 95% of other launches. For this reason space on the Big Launch list of vendors is strictly limited, and typically someone needs to be removed for a new person to added.
Contact us to apply. You will be asked to provide supporting evidence, including details of your launch history as listed under YOUR name on Muncheye. If you previously launched with a partner or different brand, those launches may not be considered.
What is a Featured Launch?
A featured launch appears at the top of the homepage. This additional exposure is paid and costs $200 per launch. Spots are limited.
You can purchase advertising here.
Question or Comment?
Please email vadmin(at)muncheye.com or jv(at)muncheye.com