Standard Launch
Vendor:Thomas Holley
Product:10-Article DSLR Camera PLR Pack
Launch Date:2016-May-09
Launch Time:09:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $7
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 


10 PLR DLSR Camera Articles is my second product offering. The front end, 10 articles on DSLR cameras, is set as a dime sale starting at $7 and goes up $.50 every 10 sales until it reaches $9.95; the commission is set at 75%. The backend is 10 PLR DSLR camera reviews with videos. It is offered at $17 with a 50% commission.

Sales are through JVZoo. Established affiliates with more than 100 sales and a refund rate of less than 5% or affiliates that I am familiar with will be accepted with auto commissions. Affiliates with over 500 sales and a refund rate of less than 10% will also get accepted with auto commissions. Other affiliates may be accepted but with manual commissions.

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