Standard Launch
Vendor:Theo McArthur et al
Product:Ecom Black Box V2
Launch Date:2016-Oct-17
Launch Time:09:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $10
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 




Proven high conversions and low refund rate.  When V1 was launched in February it converted at 20% during launch week and has done close to 3000 sales.

Ecom Black Box is a detailed and beginner friendly 60-page report and shows your customers how to earn a full-time living and much more, using drop shipping.

OTO 1 is a 20+ video lesson course plus bonuses and resources within a members area

OTO 2 is 22+ video lessons teaching your customers how to get tons of traffic to their drop shipping store on tap – also within the members area.

V2 has been updated, revamped and has even more content, lessons and resources!

100% commission on the FE and 50% on the OTO’s


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