Big Launch
Product:The Offline Audit
Launch Date:2012-Aug-27
Launch Time:09:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $7-$19 Dimesale
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 

The Offline Audit – A Simple Yes/No System

This is a complete system for offliners including very innovative tactics such as the Yellow Page and Fedex Methods. It takes the customer from actual lead generation all the way through the audit and closing.

$7,000 in total prizes with a sweet $1,500 first place prize and 100% commissions on the front

FE : $7-$19 Dimesale at 75% (bumped up to 100% after entering your details above before launch)

OTO1 : $17-$37 Dimesale at 50%

OTO2 : $67/month at 50%


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