Standard Launch
Vendor:Nelson Long
Product:Timeless Novel PLR
Launch Date:2023-Jun-18
Launch Time:10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $27
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

Timeless Novel Is coming to the market!

Did you know that Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland is a novel that is 100% free and in the public domain? You can use, repurpose, and profit from its contents, as well as those of other timeless classic novels that are also in the public domain.

These novels are considered “gold” because you can easily reuse their contents to create something new.

This is where Timeless Novel kicks in…

This is a brand new collection of 1000 timeless classic novels in digital format that are 100% copyright free and come with full unrestricted PLR licenses.

These novels are fully customizable and come with a customizable Word file, as well as AZW3, EPUB, and PDF formats.

Your customers can reuse, resell, distribute, or do anything you want with these novels for 100% profit.

With full unrestricted PLR, there are endless possibilities for what you can do with these timeless classics, such as creating new eNovels, printing hard copies, converting them into audio novels, creating a membership site, and more.

Launch date:
18 June 2023, cart opens at 9AM EST.

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