Standard Launch
Product:Ultimate Digital Media Templates Library
Launch Date:2020-Jun-08
Launch Time:10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $37
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

Bank in HUGE Commissions by promoting one of the largest, most updated and most UNIQUE digital media templates libraries in the IM sphere!

The library is packed with tens of thousands in-house designed animation slides that cover hundreds of templates that comprise of video templates, slideshow templates, presentation templates, multipurpose animation slide templates, Facebook ads templates and many more!

Your customers can use these digital media templates to create Amazing Videos, Presentations, Social Media Ads, Slideshows and Various Digital Media Using PowerPoint or they can import into Google Slide (With limited features).

You need to promote this because:

* The sale angle will be focusing on multipurpose; folks can pick this up and they can use it to create videos, presentations, slideshows, product unveiling, education materials, webinars and many more. And Multipurpose SELL!

* Customers only need to pay once, and they will get access to the entire library for a onetime fee and everyone love this because nobody like commitment! Not to mention the SuperPowerPPT library is regularly updated with new assets being added, this scream values!

* QUALITY! All the digital media templates are in-house designed by our own designers and the library is updated regularly with fresh new templates making this a very UNIQUE quality offer.

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We go live this 8 June at 10AM EST!

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