Standard Launch
Vendor:Troy Nantais
Product:Squidoo Cash Tsunami
Launch Date:2012-Dec-05
Launch Time:11:00 EST
Front-End Price: $17
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 

Hello Fellow Warriors,

I wanted to introduce you to a unique WSO soon to be released for launch this week on Warrior Forum called Squidoo Cash Tsunami.

Squidoo Cash Tsunami is a proven method that I have used personally for the last few years in making money online. It’s a solid method to making $120/day or more using Squidoo lenses to promote Amazon Products online.

It’s newbie friendly and detailed enough even for seasoned marketers to learn a tip or two.

We Take Care of our JV’s – check it out!

For more details, swipes etc check out our exclusive JV page.

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