Big Launch
Vendor:Simon Greenhalgh et al
Launch Date:2019-Jul-10
Launch Time:10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $37
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 





Thanks for checking out Fortuna. This is an exclusive JVzoo relaunch after a low key soft launch for a select number of affiliates.

Fortuna has been proven to convert with just over 1,000 visitors and the funnel converting at 18% and a $6.50 EPC.

Fortuna is an automated website builder that works around long tail keywords for fast and easy rankings.

Quickly build highly optimised websites with proven to rank content for any niche.

Our powerful case studies show how Fortuna can help users generate huge free traffic and monetise for affiliate programs, CPA offers and even local businesses.

Our last 3 launches have generated huge stats and the Fortuna launch will use the same proven formula.

Fortuna goes live at 10am EST on 10th July on JVzoo.

Earn 50% commissions and up to $124 per sale.

As usual, we will be using my unlimited and no minimum prize structure.

Get in touch to arrange review access and check out our affiliate tools.

Thanks and see you on July 10th.

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