Standard Launch
Vendor:Shelley Penney et al
Product:WP Premium Vault
Launch Date:2019-May-20
Launch Time:10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $27
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 

100 Premium Themes

Pick your jaw up off the floor because we aren’t kidding!

In this package you are going to get a total of 100 premium themes that other people pay minumum $67 for just 1!
These are not “run of the mill” either. These are well known developers with well known and sought after themes.

50 Premium Plugins

Oh yes- we are not finished yet! We have ALSO included 50 premium plugins. That’s right… FIFTY!
Again all downloads are plugins that people often pay big dollars for! You can now get them for a single low 1 time price!

These are all plugins that we would use ourselves in our own businesses, and we know you are going to be shocked by the value!

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