Standard Launch
Vendor:Shelley Penney
Product:Backtoons Comic Kit
Launch Date:2017-May-23
Launch Time:10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $14.97
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

Backtoons Comic Collection- NOT just another graphics collection.

I’m really excited to tell you about this launch next week, on May 23rd.
Shelley Penney is releasing an exciting graphics product with a fun
and unique twist.

The package is based totally on comic book style.

This unique package consists of over 3000 backgrounds, splashes, text bubbles,
action words, characters and more and is all original work designed by Shelley herself.
It’s NOT some of the same rehashed graphics that are constantly being repackaged into
new packages, and being resold.

The OTO is a huge animated comic and cartoon pack, and OTO2 offers PLR license
and materials including sales pages, promo and product demo videos, and more!

Shelley has created a name for herself in the IM graphics niche. She has earned
3 POTD from JVZoo, and her products have sold thousands.

She takes good care of her JV partners. You can expect great swipes, DFY
bonus page, and over $1K in JV cash prizes!

Cash Prizes and more!

contact- [email protected]

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