Standard Launch
Vendor:Shane Paxton
Product:Toy Shopper|Ultimate Amazon Affiliate Christmas Toy Shopping Clone
Launch Date:2013-Nov-08
Launch Time:11:00 EST
Front-End Price: $25
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

Thank you for your interest in promoting Azon Empire “Toy Shopper Portal”

I want to thank you for your interest in promoting my upcoming WSO. My Amazon products range from done-for-you Amazon Product Review Sites and complete niche research including niche wordpress themes and plugins and have become very popular purchases on the WF. Thousands of Amazon affiliates have purchased my products and have done very well so it’s time to release our next package.

“Toy Shopper Portal” is packed with content that allow Amazon affiliates to earn good commissions.  Included are detailed niche and keyword research, content and complete,  done for you amazon affiliate toy shopping portal.   This product is completely new and include many incredible features.

My affiliates continue to make great commissions promoting my products simply because the product sales itself and the generous commissions that are offered.

I look forward to having you onboard for Azon Empire ”Toy Shopper Portal”!

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