Standard Launch
Vendor:Richard Madison
Product:Stockocity 2
Launch Date:2018-Feb-15
Launch Time:10:00 EST
Front-End Price: $24.95
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

In 2018 we rebranded “lifetime stock video” as Stockocity.
Pay Once for Lifetime Access to our Library of 25,000
HD Stock Footage Videos

Stockocity 2 is “Lifetime Stock Video 2” – Supercharged.
6 times as many HD Stock Videos. Up to 25,000 including upsells.

In August 2017, Lifetime Stock Video sold $227,000 in 6 days. 6,500+ units sold. $125,000+ in commissions & prizes.

Back-to-Back-to-Back JVZoo Product of The Day.

Six day launch: #1 on JVZoo Thursday, #1 on JVZoo Friday, #1 on JVZoo Saturday, #1 on JVZoo Sunday, #1 on JVZoo Monday and #2 on JVZoo Tuesday. #1 for 7 days. #3 for 30 days.

25.7% actual front-end conversions and $8.84 EPC with 47.9% of buyers taking OTO1

Our tested & proven funnel pays up to $125.00 per visitor.

Our Stock Footage Videos are compatible with
Explaindio, EasySketchPro, VideoMakerFX, VideoScribe, PowerPoint, VideoMotionPro and More.
Any software where you can import videos.

On February 15th at 10:00 am, earn
more with the Biggest Stock Video Collection / Membership to hit JVZoo EVER.

If you’re not promoting Stockocity 2 yet, the only question is why not?

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