Standard Launch
Vendor:Richard Madison
Product:Lifetime.Hosting 2018
Launch Date:2018-Jul-18
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $15
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 




The best-selling best-paying hosting offer is back… Make up to $179 per buyer plus your share of $7,500 in cash prizes!

Join us July 18 for this year’s edition of the Lifetime.Hosting Deal! Your buyers will love the massive value of this pay once, host forever service… and you’ll love the big commissions!

Lifetime.Hosting launched in August 2016 with under 50 affiliates on our JV List. That launch had $11.51 EPC and paid our affiliates over $275,000 in commissions and prizes. Our June 2017 deal brought in another 2,700+ in sales and $150,000+ in revenue, putting more healthy commission and prize payments into the hands of our affiliates.

Now’s your chance to get in on this and make some fantastic cash in commissions and prizes, while giving your buyers true massive value.

Product: 2018 Lifetime.Hosting Deal
Vendor: Richard Madison & Pat Flanagan
Launch Date: July 18 11am EST – July 23 11:59pm EST
Frontend: $14.95 (100% commission), $37-$87 (50% commission)
Upsell 1: $14.95-$87 (50% commission)
Upsell 2: $67-$87 (50% commission)
Downsell 2: $37-$47 (50% commission)
Upsell 3: $77-$97 (50% commission)
Downsell 3: $37-$47 (50% commission)
Network: JVZoo
Target Buyers: General

JV Page:

Jump on now for this proven winner! Skype Pat Flanagan at patflan42 if you have any questions.

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