Standard Launch
Vendor:Richard Madison
Product:Lifetime.Hosting 2
Launch Date:2016-Oct-17
Launch Time:10:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $15
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

We crushed it with Lifetime.Hosting 1.
18.03% Conversions.  $11.51 EPC.
Over $125,000 paid in commission & prizes.

we paid out over $125k in our August launch.
we paid our top affiliate over $35k
we paid our second affiliate over $25k
we paid our third affiliate over $12k
we paid 10 other affiliates between $2k and $6k
we paid 10 more affiliates between $1k and $2k
thats 24 affiliates earning 4-figure commissions

If you’re not promoting Lifetime.Hosting yet, the only question is why not?

On October 17th at 10 am, earn 1244%
more with the Only Web Hosting Product
Designed for Internet Marketing JVs.

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