Standard Launch
Vendor:JayKay Dowdall
Product:RHIMS 7.0
Launch Date:2024-Mar-25
Launch Time:10:30 EDT
Front-End Price: 27.00
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 

“How to Ride a Billion Dollar Wave of Wealth  By Riding Trends as an Affiliate Marketer…”

RHIMS 7.0 is the seventh in JayKay Dowdall’s RHIMS series (Really Helpful Internet Marketing Stuff). In this edition of RHIMS, students will discover the opportunity available with Affiliate Marketing 2.0 – a completely new way of making money as an affiliate marketer.

Identifying new trends worth millions of dollars early is a great opportunity for affiliate marketers. High paying programs in emerging niches are one of the best ways that affiliates can start monetizing traffic without needing a brand or existing assets. Any affiliate can start riding trends today with no list or following at all.
There is no email marketing, no video marketing, no blogging, or social media. There is no branding from the affiliate at all. This “hidden figure” style of affiliate marketing is entirely focused on one thing: Sales.
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