Standard Launch
Vendor:Yu Shaun et al
Product:[PLR] Unlimited Motivation
Launch Date:2024-Apr-22
Launch Time:9:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $14
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 

A brand new PLR Launch is about to take place!

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Product: Unlimited Motivation PLR (with Complete Sales Funnel)
Launch Date: Monday, April 22nd 2024
Launch Time: 9 AM EST
Launch Duration: 5 Days / Ends at 11:59PM April 26th 2024
Price: $13.95 (Early Bird 9-11AM) → 11AM EST onwards (Dimesale) → $19.95 till Launch Ends → Then $37 permanently after launch!
Funnel Commission: 50% through the entire BE
Niche: Self-Help PLR
“UNLIMITED MOTIVATION” is the ultimate guide for those who want to tap into their intrinsic motivation and unleash a continuous stream of energy to achieve personal and professional success.
In this life-changing blueprint, you will discover everything you need to know about the secrets to limitless motivation — the dynamics of motivation, the science behind it, the power of passion, finding your ‘why’, practical strategies for sustaining motivation every day… and many more life-changing tips waiting to be uncovered inside!
Ultimately, this is the go-to self-help blueprint for embracing a lifestyle that propels you towards your dreams with unstoppable force.
• Understanding what motivation really is and its key drivers.
• Exploring the dual nature of motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic.
• The science of dopamine as a motivation enhancer.
• Strategies for releasing dopamine to maintain high motivation levels.
• The power of recording your accomplishments to boost motivation.
• Setting achievable goals to sustain your drive.
• The importance of prioritizing well-being to enhance motivational levels.
• Techniques for cultivating a motivational environment.
• Harnessing the power of a growth mindset to fuel motivation.
• The role of passion in maintaining long-term motivation.
• Methods to overcome self-limiting beliefs that hinder motivation.
• Strategies to cultivate resilience and maintain motivation through setbacks.
• The impact of social support in sustaining motivation.
• Daily habits that help fuel your motivational fire.
• How to identify and pursue your ‘Why’ to stay motivated.
• Techniques for maintaining motivation through mindfulness and self-care.
… And much more!
* Module 1: Premium “Unlimited Motivation” Blueprint, 10,000+ Words
* Module 2: Complete Checklist
* Module 3: Comprehensive Mind Map
* Module 4: High Converting Sales Page & Thank You Page
* Module 5: Hypnotizing Video Sales Letter
* Module 6: “ 7-Day Challenge to Master Self-Motivation” Special Report, 4,000+ Words
* Module 7: Professional Landing Page
* Module 8: Follow-up Email Series
* Module 9: Stunning, Professional-looking Graphics
* Module 10: License Certificates
+ Fast-Action Bonus #1: PLR Powerhouse
+ Fast-Action Bonus #2: Smart Funnel Hacks
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