Standard Launch
Vendor:Edmund Loh
Product:[PLR] FB Ad Secrets
Launch Date:2020-Sep-18
Launch Time:9:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $15
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 
Niche:Social Media 


What Is It About?

I almost didn’t want to do this…

But after repeated requests and queries if I would ever release a Private Label version to my Facebook advertising course, I now see merits in doing just that.

This will be the first PLR title I’m releasing in a long time. Since my last PLR, I learned and did FB Ads that truly changed my business these couple of years.

I started to sell my past products in a more evergreen way, I get paid to generate leads to other local businesses here, I sat butts for my seminar previews and later webinars. Heck, I also use FB Ads to hire new talent in my company!

So it’s truly one of the most versatile marketing skill anyone can learn today – and I teach this in my live events and online course.

Now that I’m releasing the Private Label Rights to this course, this is going to be massive value for money for your Customers whether they want to learn or earn or do both!

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