Standard Launch
Vendor:Paul Nicholls
Product:Paul Nicholls 2015 Giant PLR Sale (7 days only)
Launch Date:2015-Jul-30
Launch Time:07:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $57
JV Page:coming soon
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 

8 times Product of the Day seller Paul Nicholls is releasing a Giant PLR Package of 25 of his best Internet marketing training products.

We are Live on Thursday at 7am EST  30th July 2015

The funnel is:

Front end – $57 @50% on a dime sale up to $97

Upsell – $197 @ 50%

Downsell – $97 @50%

This for 7 days only and then it will be taken down

Here are the 27 products that customers get full plr rights to:

Altogether these products have made me over $150,000

8 of them got product of the day

customers will also get all the sales pages, video sales letters and graphics

in total there are over 190 training videos within these courses

over $12,000 in total value when you add up the graphics, copy and products


amazon physical product cash (x14 videos)

offline bullet cash (x8 videos)

social signals unleashed (x9 videos)

blog network guide (x6 videos)

passive cash profits 2.0 (PDF)

video sales formula (PDF)

fastest way to $1k per month online (PDF)

conversions cash machine (PDF)

solo ad basics (x6 videos)

blog profits exposed (x10 videos)

solo ad sales funnels (6 videos)

avalanche list building (x13 videos)

fast cash commando (x7 videos)

$100 per day blueprint (PDF)

sales funnel commando (x8 videos)

wso cash code (x25 videos)

solo ad professor (x9 videos)

ultimate solo ads 2.0 (PDF)

knockout profit blackbook (PDF)

email marketing assassin (x14 videos)

passive cash profits (PDF)

the 9 profit pillars (x9 videos)

product creation hero (x9 videos)

sales funnel mastery (x7 videos)

video creation mastery (x6 videos)

extreme cash profits (x12 videos)

adsense cash blueprint (adsense cash blueprint)


Over 190+ videos in Total

Includes, sales pages, sales videos and graphics

Over $12,000 in total value.

An Insane package plr deal with huge value.


Here is the warrior plus affiliate page to get more info –

If you need to contact us for any reason please email our support at [email protected]

Look forward to having you on board

PS: The conversions on our last plr sale were very good. The front end had an epc of between $1.50 – $2.00 and the upsell had an epc of between $15 – $20

The combined epc was between $2.50 – $3.00

Plus there are prizes to be won too.



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