Standard Launch
Vendor:OR2 Web Productions
Product:XowOff 3D WebVR
Launch Date:2019-Aug-18
Launch Time:17:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $27
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

OR2 is offering the opportunity of being an Affiliate of a essential Marketing & Branding Tool which next generations (already in development) promises even more enjoyable actionable immersive experiences through prize quest ‘rolling-actions’.

On a 50-50 Affiliate basis, active marketeres are invited to be part of the online movement that breathes through new or better revolutionary means which are responsible for making the web. In the process, we split profits by giving 50% commissions, every month !

Allowing to exhibit all Products and Services through Personalized Virtual Scenarios that can even feature favorite campaign’s videos between special 3D virtual ‘rolling-actions’, OR2 turns now available a very effective self-service platform that hosts branded 3D Virtual Scenarios properly personalized with an handy multi-options webdeck able to redirect interested visitors to personalized Business Websites, eCommerce stores or wherever web address required for promotion.

Providing ready-made 3D Virtual Scenarios which can be easily personalized through a very effective and well proven templates platform, here’s a comfortable mean that, based on the cloud, allows to subscribe the required web hosting service in conformity with each beneficiary’s marketing and self-branding needs, including unlimited bandwidth. Simplifying all the process required for assuring that the related online business activity remain ahead on the actual explained technological shift.

Succinctly, with a trustfull backend based on the vast experience of a widely known & well accepted script and OR2 own web developments and productions, it’s now available the culmination of decades in research and online development for more immersive commercial purposes.

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