Standard Launch
Vendor:Nick Nimmin et al
Product:Social Graphic Kits
Launch Date:2015-Aug-18
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $27
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 
Niche:Social Media 

If you have a list or following of people interested in graphics, social media,
social media marketing or offline, please take a serious look at this!

I’m Bertram Heath Sr. and I’ve been in the I.M./Video niche for almost 7 years
and created & launched over a dozen products. My customers and students LOVE my
products and I average UNDER 2% refund rate across ALL my products!

My sales videos always convert well above average and each of my sales videos
gets better, I expect this to be my best yet, by far!

I’m giving 75% on the front end for this launch, and 50% throughout the rest
of the funnel, this will be my deepest funnel yet.

Please visit the JV/Affiliate Invitation page for details on the product, funnel,
pricepoints and launch information:

We go “Live” at 11am EST on August 18th, 2015 and will only keep the launch
pricing available for 7 days, after that date the price will jump up considerably so
you’ve got some urgency on your side, as well as 100% commissions!

We’re also running an “Early Bird Special” for the first 24 hours the price will stay
at $10 and then the dimesale will begin and run up to $27 where it will stay until the
launch ends in 7 days.

We’re also willing to work with you if there are any special tools, bonuses or graphics
you need to help make this as profitable as possible for you!

If you have a large list and are willing to REALLY push this, we’re also willing to do
special pricing, custom pages etc, specifically for YOU!

Please take a look at the short video and details on our JV/Affiliate Invite page:

Thanks for your time, we look forward to working with you!

Bertram Heath Sr.
Nick Nimmin

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