Standard Launch
Vendor:Nick James
Product:Hidden PLR
Launch Date:2021-Aug-03
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $5
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

MunchEye Lovers!

Hidden PLR helps anyone that’s ever bought a PLR license and shows them how to make maximum sales in the minimum time possible by following a simply 3-step process.

For full details of exactly what that 3-step process is, please check out the JV page.

The front-end offer will be set up as a dime sale, starting at $5, and will increase slowly with every 2 copies sold.

The upsells include a $1 trial… and continuity before heading to higher-priced training and live webinar coaching.

See the full funnel on the JV Page.

You will receive 100% commission on the front end and 50% commission on all upsells (including membership subscription payments) meaning you will continue to get paid for many months to come…

History and background…. This is a solid offer you can be proud to tell your email subscribers about. It has been created but someone that sold their first licensed product online in 2001 and has made their full time living online ever since.

At 11 am EST on the 3rd of August we open the doors to a 7 Day Promotion… The ‘dime sale’ set up on the front end gives your subscribers NATURAL urgency and scarcity to get started right away and all the upsells are all positioned with special never-to-be-repeated pricing and REAL reasons to ACT NOW.

Join us for the launch of Hidden PLR and not only will you be positioned to receive amazing EPC… and recurring commissions each month… You will also be entered into the main Leaderboard Contest for over $2k in prizes.

You have the ready-to-go email swipes you need, plus rebrandable reports, banners, and coin down timers you need to promote right on the JV Tools Page. … If you need anything or would like to review the product… We look forward to working with you.

To discover more details about Hidden PLR and to join us… visit the JV Page now.

See you on the JV Page!

Nick & Kate James

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