Standard Launch
Vendor:Nick James
Product:Internet Marketing Newsletter PLR
Launch Date:2019-Aug-29
Launch Time:07.00 EDT
Front-End Price: $30
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

MunchEye Lovers!

If you would like to promote a product that is proven to sell well and keep customers in the IM, MMO & PLR space which continues to payout for months…. and months… and months then look no further.

We have customers that are still paying us in some cases after FIVE YEARS…

This membership site keeps customers and pays affiliates for as long as the customer remains a paid member…

The front end offer is just $29.99 per month… As a downsell we have a $1 trial… which then kicks into a recurring $29.99 monthly membership.

There is a $99 upsell (with a split pay option on the same page)…

We also have other upsell opportunity to join us for a 3 Week webinar masterclass.

Some JV Partners have enjoyed $4 – $6 EPC (See Video Testimonials in the JV Partner Page).

History and background….

The Internet Marketing Newsletter PLR service has been running for the last 8 years providing PLR content to IM professional marketers which they can rebrand and send to their IM / MMO customers and subscribers and use it as if it was their own.

We keep customers because they LOVE our content… and rely on it to make their PDF Newsletter, EZines, Facebook Lives, Podcasts, YouTube videos… and Webinars.

On 7am EST 29th October we open the doors to a 7 Day Promotion…

Lower our monthly payment from the regular $47/month rate… to $29.99…. offering a $1 trial… and giving away $2,500 in affiliate leaderboard.

If you would like to get paid month after month with us… please check out the JV Partner Page and get your JVZoo links approved ASAP.

We have may email swipes and banners you can use… as well as so much more waiting for you on the JV Partner Page.

I look forward to working with you… this is proven to sell… did I mention 5% conversion rates?

See you on the JV Page!

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