Standard Launch
Vendor:Neeraj Agarwal
Product:GeoCraft v2
Launch Date:2017-Dec-09
Launch Time:10:00 EST
Front-End Price: $37
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:PayDotCom 



Launching GeoCraft v2 Directory WordPress Solution on 9th December 2017 at 10:00 AM, EST

GeoCraft v1 was one of our best selling tools that sold over 5000 copies and brought in tons of money not just for our affiliates but the users as well. Now with GeoCraft v2, we intend to break that record and bring in a lot more sales and commissions for our prized affiliates.

We have also created a very solid funnel with enticing Single and Unlimited usage licenses for GeoCraft in the FE. The OTO1 consists of our power packed package of 3 Premium plugins + 3 best selling business themes. OTO 2 is access to all premium InkThemes products. We are looking forward to very solid EPC’s.


Check out the JV page here –

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