Standard Launch
Vendor:Mike Paul
Product:Real Estate Contact Crossfire
Launch Date:2018-May-31
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $27
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 

“Real Estate Contact Crossfire” is  the latest Real Estate offer positioned to stack your bank account with Commissions AND help Offline small business consultants give a different and very needed service for the local real estate agent.  So everyone wins!

Launching May 31, 2018 at 11am EST.

This will consist of a 5 day launch promo then a price increase.

Hello JV friend,

Thanks for seriously considering my most comprehensive launch to date.

I’m very excited about this product since no marketer on Warrior Plus has made this method of marketing available to the real estate niche – and it is such a needed service that consultants can offer real estate agents.  

Now combine this Premium offer with the mind of a Rock-Star copy writer and you have a mix for high conversions!

“Real Estate Contact Crossfire” is the missing piece of the puzzle and commands your list’s attention right off the bat!  They are always searching for that one offer that pays big in the offline sector and this is just that… a cash cow for offliners.

Here’s why this ‘Real Estate Follow-up Service” is a winning money maker for consultants:

  • Easy process for the consultant. Help real estate agents follow up on a database they’ve already created
  • While everyone else is selling lead gen, No-one is showing agents how to convert those leads. This will help turn more leads into sales.
  • Using the Online Billboard method – the consultants will put an old method for follow-up on overdrive!
  • 2 Super Easy ways to find real estate agent clients
  • How to turn the endless Facebook lead generation trial and error into an instant money maker tail-end service
  • OTO If this automated follow up service wasn’t enough – the consultant can grab a package of infrographics and flyers to solidify their client relationships
  • OTO Use this proven presentation to convert more real estate agent clients with less effort

Thanks so much for your support, and lets ROCK this launch!


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