Standard Launch
Vendor:Mike Paul
Product:Offline Inbox Interceptor
Launch Date:2018-Oct-12
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $27
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 



Hello JV’s!

I am so excited about my latest launch on October 12, 2018.   Offline Inbox Interceptor has been in the making for a while but held in my “hip-pocket” in order to launch at just the right time!

If you are in the Offline Niche, I’m sure you’d agree that this method has been much needed for a long time.

Email Marketing is still second-to-none when it comes to online and offline marketing across the board.  But what does email marketing really involve?

Well if you are cold-emailing you have to manually send a ton of emails. Then you may only see a 40-1 response rate.  And those leads may not even be motivated.  In addition, much time and money is spent on obtaining large enough lists while also spending countless hours on copy writing and follow up.

What if you could email market to a mass audience without emailing a soul!

Here’s what I mean:

Consultants who think outside the box can now multiply their results, with less effort, while reaching more people with just a single message!

And doesn’t is just make sense to target a 1 billion user pool… Gmail.

The two Generals of marketing have metamorphosed into the best of both worlds… Paid Ads Meets Email Marketing – The advertising hybrid of all hybrids.

Front End: $27 @ 60% Commission (Early Bird first day, then going on dimesale)

OTO (upsell) commission = 50%
OTO (downsell) commission = 50%

With prize money up for grabs!

As always thanks for being on my side with your support!  I truly appreciate it!

All the best,

-Mike Paul


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