Big Launch
Vendor:Mike Johnson
Product:Blog Defender 2022
Launch Date:2022-Sep-21
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17- $27
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 
Niche:SEO & Traffic 



Blog Defender 2022


Blog Defender 2022


Launch: 11am EDT Wednesday 21st September 2022


Warrior Plus

Using WP Security for Your Local Clients – TOTALLY UPDATED for 2022

JV Page:

Blog Defender is the top selling “Security” system on Warrior Plus and JVZoo

The brand new 2022 edition is the most up to date and comprehensive WP site security system, covering not only hosting and the only plugins to use as well as some very special secret tools and code for keeping out hackers and the real nasty ‘super powered’ botnets that have started appearing.

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