Standard Launch
Vendor:Michael Kuss
Product:The Traffic Launder V1.2
Launch Date:2015-Jun-03
Launch Time:00:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17-$47
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

Get a Whooping $46.90 Per Click From 100% Front-End
and 100% Back-End Commission. That’s right!


Front End: Traffic Launder V1.2 $16.95@100% Commission 

Back End: PLR for Traffic Launder $29.95@ 100% Commission

Get Your JVZoo Affiliate Link  (Click Here)


Q: Why would you give 100% Commission for FE & BE? How will you make money off this launch?

A: To be honest, I am a newborn at selling my own product. I have been an affiliate for a while but I realize that being an affiliate relies on to many external factors. That’s why I started doing my own product. You should too if you haven’t!

And to answer that question, it’s simple, I want to build an affiliate list of my own for my future product launches. My goal for this launch is not to make money, but to build relationships with affiliates (YOU). And giving 100% of all the profits will help me reach more affiliates and give my mark. 

Here Is Why You Should Not Miss This Launch: (READ THIS)

1 Almost 100% of Online Marketers NEED click control tool. The ones on the market is too expensive (honestly).

2 Traffic Launder provides a solution for that. Providing click manager an affordable rate. 

3 You promote something RELEVANT & USEFUL (not some crappy ebook course) for your followers

4 You get 100% commission . And I get your friendship and list of customers. WIN – WIN.

Get Your JVZoo Affiliate Link  (Click Here)


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