Standard Launch
Vendor:Mark Mason et al
Product:Action Backgrounds
Launch Date:2016-Aug-30
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17-$24
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

Promote The Launch Of Brand New High Def Video Backgrounds By Mark Mason & Pat Flanagan, And

Get Up To $80+ In Commissions And Your Share Of $1,100 In Prizes!

Action Backgrounds are high definition 1920×1080 motion video backgrounds. They can be used for green screen videos, presentations, website backgrounds, text videos… anywhere your buyer needs an abstract motion background.

Action Backgrounds are 100% new and unique, no repackaged PLR. Your buyer receives 40 background videos (each with multiple color variations) plus 6 bonus 4K ultra high def backgrounds as a bonus. Personal and developer license available on the frontend sales page, with PLR/resale and content package upsells.

We’re offering a 4-day sale with special value deals on Action Backgrounds. Your buyers get a huge value and better engagement in their videos, while you get 50% commissions on products ranging from $17.77 to $97! Full information at, get on board for our Aug 30-Sept 2 deal!

Vendor: Mark Mason & Pat Flanagan
Product: Action Backgrounds
Launch Date: 2016-8-30
Launch Time: 11:00am EST
Front End: Action Backgrounds Developer License $17.77-$23.77 or Personal $17-$23
Upsell 1: Private Label Rights Upgrade $47
Downsell 1: Resale Rights Upgrade $27
Upsell 2: MegaBundle (Video Training Course, 900+ Music Tracks, 22k Photos, 20 Module Graphics PLR) $97
Downsell 2: Individual MegaBundle Packs @ $27-$33 each

Need anything? Skype affiliate manager Pat Flanagan @ patflan42

JV Page:
Affiliate Network: JVZoo
Niche: Video

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