Standard Launch
Vendor:Victory Akpos
Launch Date:2024-Mar-15
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $37
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

*March 15th – New Launch Announcement*

Hello Super Affiliate,

Thank you for your continuous support in our launches. We’re determined to make you more moolah this year and even serve your customers better!

Having said that, I’m super excited to invite you to our forthcoming launch called LinkDominator that’s going live on the 15th of March w/ $7,500 in JV prize contest…

*About the product*
LinkDominator Is A New LinkedIn Approved A.I Tech That Finds Millions Of Niche Targeted Business Leads, Creates & Sends Amazing Sales Messages To Make You Passive Sales 24/7!

It allows you and your customers to reach millions of qualified business leads, nurture and sell to them in 1 A.I based process.

It also comes with an agency website and 10 Agency niches so users can launch their own lead gen agency all with automated linkedin marketing.


JV Page:

Review is available…

I’m looking forward to your support on this one… Please can I count you in?

*Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!!*

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