Standard Evergreen
Vendor:The Neuro Ending Group
Product:Magnetic Prenuer
Front-End Price:997
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:SamCart 
Become an affiliate of Joseph McClendon III and the Magnetic Prenuer
The price point is $997 for the course.
30% Commission with a 30 Day Net payout.
Joseph is one of the most sought-after performance specialists in the world! His unique techniques to rapidly trigger the personal change that effectively move you to take more consistent action and go Further Faster with your personal and business achievements is why he is in such high demand.
Joseph has also partnered with world-renowned life coach Anthony Robbins for over 30 years; you may have seen them train together at the Robbins conference Unleash the Power Within.
Joseph has his online course Magnetic Prenuer to be promoted by the amazing Affiliates to help get into the hands of those who need to change their life for the better.
What is included:
Mega Prenuer Training Course
​Mega Prenuer Manual
Mega Prenuer Private Facebook Community
Entrepreneurial Magnetism Workshop 
​The Neuroencoding Edge
Order before the webinar ends to receive these 3 Bonuses
Bonus #1: Joseph’s Private Mega Preneur Community ($4,997 Value)
​Bonus #2: Entrepreneurial Magnetism Workshop 
Bonus #3 The Neuro encoding Edge
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