Standard Launch
Vendor:Mike Paul
Product:Local Lift-Off
Launch Date:2021-Feb-02
Launch Time:11:00 EST
Front-End Price: $27
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 



Local Consultants:  Solve The Lead Problem… and all your other problems are solved!

Hello Fellow Affiliates! Another super exciting launch is underway… but THIS TIME it’s a little different…

One problem that seems to be the Achilles heel for the offline consultant has stuck around like an annoying inlaw for decades.

What am I talking about?  “The Lead Problem”

So with this launch, I’ve decided to focus just on getting Leads For the Local Consultant’s business.  That’s it!


Everything You Need To Start Attracting Clients In Offline/Local Consulting

Whether new or seasoned, it’s easy to get bogged down with all the methods out there of marketing your own business.  Over the last year, I’ve compiles a collection of my top lead-gen methods that fit the following:

Pluse the simplest one-page, 3 step marketing plan for the consultant’s business that they’ll ever see!


Front End: $27 @ 50% Commission (Early Bird first day, then going on dimesale)

OTO (upsell) commission = 50%
OTO (downsell) commission = 50%

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out to me!

Mike Paul

Skype: mikepaul

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