Standard Launch
Product:Local Centric App AI
Launch Date:2025-Jan-30
Launch Time:11:00 EST
Front-End Price: $45
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 

With LocalCentric, you can guide local businesses in understanding what’s working, what’s not, and provide them with actionable solutions to improve.

How You Can Help: Charge a monthly or annual fee for offering a comprehensive reputation management service that helps local businesses: ✓ Improve their online reputation
✓ Boost sales and profits
✓ Build a list of engaged reviewers eager to hear from them

New Features Built Into the Platform:

Why Choose LocalCentric? The platform is designed for maximum conversion and guaranteed reciprocation on your launches or private promotions. Be sure to lock down November 27th for us!

Once you see LocalCentric in action, we’re confident you’ll love the difference it can make for you and your clients.

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