Standard Launch
Vendor:Lee Cole
Product:Workout Profits
Launch Date:2021-Apr-27
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $27
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 
Niche:Social Media 



Workout Profits is our newest social posting training and DFY assets product. Your buyer gets everything they need to hit the ground running selling an easy-to-fulfill social posting service to local gyms and fitness centers. This is a fabulous niche! Gyms and fitness centers need a lot of help. They’re in a very competitive industry. They’re used to spending money on advertising, and they need your clients’ help!

This is a complete “business-in-a-box.” Buyers get everything they need to start an amazingly profitable social media posting service for gyms and fitness centers, including complete training on what to post, how to post, and how to get clients, along with all of the images and text-based content needed!


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