Standard Launch
Vendor:Lee Cole
Product:Press Release Gold Mine
Launch Date:2016-Oct-03
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $12
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 


Press Release Gold Mine is my new, cutting edge training that shows your peeps how to sell high-ticket press releases to local businesses. I’ve personally sold press releases to my own clients for years. Press releases are hands down one of the easiest “offline” products you can sell. Best of all YOU DON’T HAVE TO BE ABLE TO WRITE TO DO THIS! 😉 The instruction is delivered via 12 instructional videos.   Press Release Gold Mine sells for $12, 75% commisson for you!


OTO 1 is called Multimedia Press Release Gold Mine. A multimedia press release is a “normal” press release that has a multimedia component to it. Normally, this is video. Multimedia press releases are all the rage right now. Just one well thought through release can massively impact a local business’s bottom line! The training is delivered via 13 instructional videos and various downloads. Your list will love you for turning them on to this! Multimedia Press Release Gold Mine sells for $47 , with 50% commission for you. 


OTO2  is called Local Video Gold Mine. This training shows your buyers current, cutting edge techniques for selling and delivering a high dollar, high quality video marketing service to local businesses. This is a natural extension to Multimedia Press Release Gold Mine because, normally, the multimedia component is a video.   Sells for $27, with 50% commission to you!


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