Standard Launch
Vendor:Lee Cole
Product:LinkedIn Domination
Launch Date:2014-Sep-05
Launch Time:11:00:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $9
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 

linke_copy 500LinkedIn Domination is a step-by-step report that shows your buyers exactly how to find, dominate and control entire niches through LinkedIn. Priced at $9, with 100% commission to you. 

OTO 1 is called LinkedIn Masters Class. Masters Class is a video based course. Your buyers will learn how to turn LinkedIn into an amazing, autopilot lead machine for their offline business. It doesn’t matter what they sell…SEO, SEM, Mobile, Text…Whatever!…LinkedIn Masters Class will give them ninja skills they need to explode their business’s growth…even if they’re a complete newbie!   Starts at $27, with 50% commission to you. 

OTO2 is called LinkedIn ListBuilder. Want to learn how to build a hugely profitable list right off of LinkedIn? Our LinkedIn ListBuilder training will teach your peeps how to build lists with phenomenal 50% open rates! Included is our tested, HTML squeeze page. Starts at $17, with 50% commission to you!


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