Standard Launch
Vendor:Lee Cole
Launch Date:2018-Jun-23
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $27
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 
Niche:Affiliate Marketing 



BUBBLES is our new social proof app that’s super easy to use, not too expensive, and also that doesn’t create a negative sales environment. Suffice it to say, social proof apps that say stuff like Bill bought whatever ten months ago do more harm than good. So, do social proof apps that screw up images and maps. (Don’t get me started about the sanity of displaying who’s bought your product without getting their consent first and the new GDPR regulations!)

We looked high and low for a social proof app that was both easy to use, didn’t create a negative sales environment, and was ethical to use. We didn’t find any that suited us, so we did what developers normally do. We created one!

Used right, social proof apps can massively increase both your sales and sign ups to your lists. Used wrong–well, I’m sure you’ve see more than one instance of them being used wrong!

Join us on our launch of BUBBLES, and get an inexpensive, easy to use, ethical social proof app into your subscribers’ hands. Believe me–they’ll thank you for it big time!

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