Standard Launch
Vendor:Lance Groom
Product:Text Book Money
Launch Date:2017-Nov-01
Launch Time:20:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $997
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:Infusionsoft 

Welcome To Text Book Money Webinar System – JV!

One of My Colleagues Had a 6 Figure Night!

( That’s a $100,000 Night In Case You Didn’t Catch That! )

I will be selecting a few affiliates / JV Partners to come work with me to promote some upcoming Webinars and make a “Whole Lot” of MONEY!

Please fill out the JV Page by either clicking on this image or RUNNING over to
After you sign up on the JV page at – please email me at [email protected] for More Information.

We will be doing one on Wednesday, November 1st, 2017

I look forward to working with you!

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Discover Chris Munch's Brand NEW Underdog Method For 5-Figure Pay Days & Scalable Recurring Profits