Standard Launch
Vendor:Kunal Barthakur
Product:[PLR] Ancient Ayurveda
Launch Date:2017-Oct-29
Launch Time:09:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $10
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 





Ancient Ayurveda: Discover the 5000 year old Science of Healthy Living and Self Healing.

High Quality PLR with video upgrade as an upsell and other OTOs.

This topic has never been released in the PLR space before.

Earn massive commissions and cash prizes by promoting a unique high quality product!

Please join us for this brand new launch and also let’s form a community of ethical PLR producers who can collaborate and grow together.

Hope to see you on board. Please don’t hesitate to reach out for anything.  Thanks and cheers 🙂

Best Regards,


Founder –


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