Standard Launch
Vendor:Kim Udell
Product:Online Reputation Boost PLR Pack
Launch Date:2014-Apr-03
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $7-$10
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 


Hey JVs!

We are launching our Online Reputation Boost PLR pack, which contains lead generation and credibility content for your customers who are providing local businesses with Reputation Management services.

What is it?

This lead generation PLR pack will help your list EDUCATE and SOFT-SELL local business owners on their services. With a focus on “online customer reviews,” it’s the perfect lead generation content because a lot of businesses want to know how to get more online customer reviews.

On the front end, they will receive:

* A Lead Generation PLR Report titled “How to Get More Online Customer Reviews”
* A PowerPoint Presentation Based on the Report
* A Video SlideShow Version of the PowerPoint
* PLR Articles
* Reputation Management Graphics
* Squeeze Page

and more…

This will be starting at $7 and going up from there…

The upgrade/OTO includes:

* Some whiteboard call-to-action videos they can sell to local businesses to help bring more attention to their reviews
* Some call-to-action graphics
* Autoresponder emails
* Infographic
* Direct Mail Letter
* Tweets

and more…

Our Offline Marketing PLR products usually convert between 15-20% on the FE and 40+% on the back, so you should definitely see some sales coming in on this one!

Get Your Affiliate Link Here (one link for the entire funnel)

Email me at support(at)offlinemarketingplrclub(dot)com if you need further info.

Looking forward to having your onboard!


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