Standard Launch
Vendor:Kerry Knoll
Product:Offline Marketing Evolved: All Inclusive Marketing
Launch Date:2013-Jul-17
Launch Time:14:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 


IM Sub Niche: Offline Business Communications Strategies

Product Type: AIM is about assessing a prospective client’s marketing endeavors, while providing the offline marketer with the tools necessary to stop selling services and start selling solutions!

This is the perfect solution for the offline consultant who is currently a freelancer or “solo-preneur” and are interested in taking their business to the next level.

Front end: $17.00 60%.

Upsell 1: $27.00-$47.00 on dimesale at 50%

Downsell 1: $17.00-$27.00 on dimesale at 50%

Upsell 2: $47.00-$97.00 on timesale at 50%

Downsell 2: $1.00 14-Day Trial Offer ($97.00 rebill) at 50%

WF ID: mrtreyk
Skype: mrtreyk
Email: kknoll [at] vegastechgroup [dot] com

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