Standard Launch
Vendor:Jimmy Mancini
Product:Rebel Mouse Infestation
Launch Date:2012-Nov-14
Launch Time:10:00 EST
Front-End Price: 7.00 to 12.95
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 
Niche:Social Media 

Hey Guys!

Finally I’ve managed to put together a way to make money from

If you don’t know what Rebel Mouse is, this is you chance to become the first one to let your list know about the benefits of joining RebelMouse and make money from it! (This social aggregation site is going to be as big as Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest!)

JV Info

Price FE: $7.00 – $12.95 slow dimesale (eBook)

OTO: $12.95 – $17.95 slow dimesale OTO (Videos)

Commission %: 70% FE ~ 50% OTO

Questions: [email protected]

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