Big Launch
Vendor:Jason Fladlien
Product:Product eClass
Launch Date:2023-Apr-23
Launch Time:8:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $499
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:Other 


The creator of the biggest launch in the internet marketing space ($57.9M), is launching his next big winner this April!

If you have an IM/bizopp list, this will likely resonate really well with your people…

Why promote this launch?

-Who else has done a $57.9M launch?

-Jason is the king of webinar conversions. He’s the only internet marketer that Zoom has ever invited to teach their customers how to create better webinars.

-This offer is pulling crazy conversion numbers Jason’s never seen before.

-It’s a $499 price point that will be appealing to a lot of people in this economy, and is a good alternative for those who can’t afford the normal $997-$2497 stuff.

What is the product?

It’s called “Product eClass”. And with it, your customers will find all the necessary tools, systems, shortcuts and the blueprints for their entire product creation journey.

Starting from scratch, they’ll be able to sit down and create a product in 2 hours or less (even if they’re completely new) – all the way up to taking their information product to the 6, 7, or even 8 figure level.

Plus, students will get done-for-them products, 1-1 consulting with Jason (with conditions), a double their money back guarantee, up-to-date info on AI tools, etc… it’s pretty much a no-brainer for 500 bucks.

For more details and a quick rundown on the launch from Jason, see the JV page:

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