Standard Launch
Vendor:J Garces Jr.
Product:CPA List Code
Launch Date:2013-Jan-24
Launch Time:11:00 EST
Front-End Price: $7-$9
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 
Niche:List Building 

This WSO will teach your subscribers how to quickly and easily build a big list with CPA – and get paid for it!

Paying 100% commission on the Front End at a price point of $7 – $9 (Dimesale)

Backend OTO#1 is a collection of Landing Pages proven to convert.

Payout is 50% commission at a price point of $17 – $27 (Dimesale)

Added Backend OTO#2: a continuity/subscription offer. $27 @ 50%

My last WSO did very well. Check W+ for stats under “jaggyjay”.

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