Standard Launch
Product:Senuke Inferno
Launch Date:2013-Mar-06
Launch Time:11:00 EST
Front-End Price: $27-$37
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 
Niche:SEO & Traffic 

Here’s what the creator of SENuke had to say about Senuke Inferno:

“The Inferno method works! Being the developer of SEnuke I keep a keen eye on what is working with Google today and what isn’t, and the Inferno method definitely works as of today. Both newbies and seasoned nukers will find something new in it. It comes with step-by-step instruction for newbies and a one-page “overall strategy” guidance for seasoned experts. Inferno is a classy guy who is very active on the SEnuke forums and I have no hesitation in recommending this!


 Not bad right?  How about the guy who runs the SENuke message boards?

“Hi Inferno,

I just finished reading your PDF and checked out the senukeinferno website. I have to say, this is without a doubt the most comprehensive, and quite frankly groundbreaking approach to using Senuke that I’ve seen. Your strategies and templates are unquestionably some of the most ingenious approaches to Senuke that anyone has ever done. I’m not sure what you plan on charging for this product but if I were you I wouldn’t give this stuff away cheap.

The templates alone, and the way in which they are designed to make websites Panda/Penguin proof are really smart. I also like the custom tools you provide and the awesome tips on how to complete the campaigns.

Anyway, if you want to, feel free to use this as an official endorsement of your product, I’m 100% sure it’ll “fly off the shelves” so to speak.

-Netheo, moderator at the Senuke Message boards.”

Pretty good…but do you know when you have a winning product?  When your competition endorses you…

“Now it may seem odd my writing a review for a ‘competitor’ product, but I have seen a lot of extremely low quality and shockingly bad templates in my time.  However this is a little different, SEnuke Inferno is a well structured guide well suited to both those who have never used SEnuke XCr before and those who have had it some time. Whilst it is true I don’t personally hold with all the methods put forward, one of the beauties of SEnuke is that it is such an open system and allows this variations in approach.  Now as I know that makes writing any guide to its use a complex matter, how do you put down in paper a 1-2-3 approach for piece of software that can be used in so many ways? Inferno has done a nice job presenting his successful methods of using the software and as such I say it is well worth a read to gain another person’s views on using SEnuke XCr.”

Pobman, Owner of

 So, what the heck is Senuke Inferno?

Senuke Inferno is a complete guide on how to get almost any site to the top of Google.  Here’s what it will do for all of the people on your list:



My product is so good even my competition is endorsing me.  Seriously, ask yourself, how many products out there have their competition endorsing them?  How’s that for being on top of things?


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