Standard Launch
Vendor:IM Wealth Builders
Product:WP Profiler
Launch Date:2023-May-04
Launch Time:09:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $17-$27
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 




WP Profiler

Launch: 11am Thursday 4th May 2023
Platform: WarriorPlus



Quick info – Speed is a Killer – More Than 50% of Visitors Leave If a Site Takes 3+ Seconds To Load You Lose Traffic – WP Profiler is a unique plugin that lets you to easily see exactly what is slowing your site down so you can fix it!

We all use multiple plugin on our sites, but not always plugins are equal, some hog resources and slow your site to a crawl, examine your site load profile in detail to identify the problems plugins…

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