Standard Launch
Vendor:Ifiok Nkem
Product:Socicake v3
Launch Date:2020-Jul-25
Launch Time:11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $47
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:JVZoo 




My launches Convert!

Last year alone we paid more than 600 thousand dollars in commission to our affiliates and this year my launches have generated over 500 thousand dollars so far (ContentBurger, ADAcomply v2, Socicake Agency). I go “all-out” in terms of quality and production every single time. No expense has been spared whatsoever.

Rock solid products + Kick ass marketing funnels == $$$

History Repeats Itself…
& This One Will Not Be An Exception


==>$10,000 JV Prizes [NO MINIMUMS!]
==>Solves A Big Problem
==>Proven Offer/Product
==>Irresistible Funnel
==>Copy By A 7 Figure Copy Writer
==>Huge Retargeting Budget
==>Huge prize pool
==>Guaranteed Reciprocation

In the last 90 days, I have been featured on over 22 leaderboards
(Guaranteed reciprocation for ALL my partners.)

Looking forward to building WIN-WIN relationships.

Thank you 

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