Standard Launch
Vendor:Ibrahim Tijani
Product:Local Business Goldend PLR
Launch Date:2023-Jan-25
Launch Time:10:00 EST
Front-End Price: $17
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:WarriorPlus 
Niche:SEO & Traffic 




Get Ready To Promote Another High Converting, High-Quality Launch, A Product With A Problem Solving That Sells Like Hotcakes!

Announcing LOCAL BUSINESS GOLDEND PLR. Coming 25TH Jan At 10 Am EST And Make $375 Per Sale

LOCAL BUSINESS GOLDEND PLR is a system where Google allows business owners to create a profile that displays their name, address, website link, phone number, hours of operation, photos, and reviews online so it can appear in a Google search result. Once created, this profile page is displayed on both mobile and desktop devices in relevant search results.

We’re Paying Out Over $1,000 In Prizes For This Blockbuster Launch


The contest begins when the product launches and runs until midnight of the last launch day, eastern time. Please see the dates above!

  • First Place: $500
  • Second Place: $200
  • Third Place: $150
  • Fourth Place: $100
  • Fifth Place: $50

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