Vendor: | Gerald Pilcher |
Product: | Basic Tools Getting Started Online Making Money |
Launch Date: | 2015-Dec-05 |
Launch Time: | 10:00 EST |
Front-End Price: | Free |
Commission: | 100% |
JV Page: | |
Affiliate Network: | WarriorPlus |
Niche: | List Building |
WSO Product Launch coming up.
This is my First WSO Launch…
“Basic Tools Getting Started Online Making Money”
This is a free rebrandable pdf report product but you will get paid massively on the backend,
this works really well.
Because you are sending your list to a free offer
they will love you for that as everyone loves a free offer.
And you are getting money on the backend upsell that converts extremely well.
If you have any question feel free to contact me thanks.
Vendor: Gerald Pilcher (gerald7p777) (geraldmegaman)
Product: Basic Tools Getting Started Online Making Money
Launch Date: 2015-12-05
Launch Time: 10:00 EST (approx)
Front-End Price: $ FREE
OTO : $3.90 (50%)
UpsellSell: $12 (100%)
Commission: 100%
JV Page:
Affiliate Network: Warrior Plus
Niche: Online Marketing