Big Launch
Vendor:Fuad Tolieb
Product:Video App Monarchy
Launch Date:2012-Dec-07
Launch Time:11:00 EST
Front-End Price: $15.95 - $19.95
JV Page:
Affiliate Network:ProductPay 

The Product:

Video App Monarchy is a WP plugin that actually produces results for anyone who is struggling to generate traffic. The concept behind this plugin is to attract visitors based on video content that has to be unlocked first before it can be played. Every visitors who get referred back to the post/page (that has a video added using the plugin) will have to share the video as well before being able to watch it.



60% on the FE offer which has 2 pricing options (Personal License and Unlimited License)

50% on the OTO offer (Additional Features + Theme + Templates)


Time-Sale Offer Structure In The First 24 Hours:

FE Personal License: $15.95

FE Unlimited License: $19.95

OTO offer: $19.95


Time-Sale Offer Structure Day 2 – 7:

FE Personal License: $19.95

FE Unlimited License: $26.95

OTO offer: $26.95


Time-Sale Offer Structure Day 8 (Closing Day):

FE Personal License: $26.95

FE Unlimited License: $32.95

OTO offer: $32.95

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